Washington, D.C. — The COVID-19 pandemic has caused an unprecedented disruption to K-12 education. Over the past year, schools have closed, educators and students have navigated a move to virtual learning, and educational inequities have been exposed and exacerbated. As the pandemic continues and the country begins to look to recovery, it will be essential to listen to the voices of the educators affected by this disruption in order to understand their experiences and the support they need in the transition back to in-person learning.
On Wednesday, May 5, please join the Center for American Progress and educators from the #WeBuildEDU campaign for an event to discuss their experiences during the pandemic; address best practices for reopening schools in a way that keeps students and educators safe; and examine ways to ensure learning growth after the pandemic without placing unnecessary burdens on students and educators. This event is part of our three-part Quality Education series, which will feature conversations about continuing learning for all students and safe reopening of schools as the country continues to navigate the COVID-19 pandemic.
Introductory remarks:
Bayliss Fiddiman, Associate Director for K-12 Education, Center for American Progress
Featured speakers:
Becky Pringle, President, National Education Association
Rodney Robinson, 2019 Teacher of the Year and Senior Policy Adviser, Richmond Public Schools
Bavu Blakes, Scholar Emcee
Christina Setzer, Early Childhood Educator
Juanita Valdez, Assistant Principal, Boulder, Colorado
José Vilson, Executive Director, EduColor
Khalilah M. Harris, Acting Vice President of K-12 Education, Center for American Progress
If you have questions for our panel, please submit them on Twitter using the hashtag #QualityEdChat or via email to [email protected].
May 5, 2021
1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. ET
You must RSVP at this link to watch the livestream event.
This event will be live-captioned at americanprogress.org/livecaptioning.
Closed-captioned-enabled video will be posted following the conclusion of the event.