Washington, D.C. — On Thursday, January 19, the Center for American Progress will launch the Fighting Injustice to Reach Equality, or FIRE, Initiative, which works to eliminate the social, health, and economic disparities faced by gay and transgender people of color, with a conversation about our new report, “Jumping Beyond the Broom: Why Black Gay and Transgender Americans Need More than Marriage Equality.” This report will shed light on the broad range of issues faced by this community and discuss why progressives committed to equality for all Americans should be engaged in the various policy and advocacy solutions that can address them.
Black lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender, or LGBT, Americans continue to experience stark social, economic, and health disparities despite significant gains in securing basic rights for LGBT people over the last decade. According to recent data, families headed by black same-sex couples are more likely to raise their children in poverty, black lesbians are more likely to suffer from chronic diseases, and black LGBT youth are more likely to end up homeless and living on the streets.
These statistics suggests that some of the high-profile gay policy priorities that have garnered the most attention and advocacy—such as marriage equality—underserve this population even though they are important for overall progress. This also applies to racial and economic justice priorities that overlook gay and transgender people within their constituencies. How can we make progress in bridging these gaps?
Opening remarks:
C. Nicole Mason, Executive Director, Women of Color Policy Network, New York University
FIRE briefing:
Aisha C. Moodie-Mills, Advisor, LGBT Policy and Racial Justice, Center for American Progress
Michael Wilson, National Director, Americans for Democratic Action
Gary Flowers, Executive Director, Black Leadership Forum
Kierra Johnson, Executive Director, Choice USA
Jeff Krehely, Director of LGBT Research and Communications Project, Center for American Progress
Jamilah King, News Editor, Colorlines
A light lunch will be served at 11:30 a.m.
January 19, 2012
12:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.
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