September 30, 2011, 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
About this event:
Washington D.C. – On Friday, September 30, Secretary Duncan, Commissioner King, and experts in the field of time and learning will highlight successful models and outline how expanded-time schools across America are improving teacher quality, deepening and broadening instruction, and preparing students for high school, college, and workforce success.
With over 1,000 schools currently implementing an expanded school schedule, redesigning and expanding learning time is seen as a promising solution to many of the challenges faced by America’s education system. Such challenges include closing the achievement and opportunity gaps that plague our nation’s public schools and improving the thousands of schools in high-poverty communities that are failing to prepare students for long-term success
At this event, the National Center on Time & Learning will release a new report, "Time Well Spent: Eight Powerful Practices of Successful, Expanded-Time Schools".
Keynote speaker:
Secretary Arne Duncan, U.S. Department of Education
John King, New York Commissioner of Education
Jennifer Davis, President, National Center on Time and Learning
Chris Gabrieli, Chairman, National Center on Time and Learning
Claire Kaplan, Author, "Time Well Spent"; Vice President, National Center on Time and Learning
Cynthia G. Brown, Vice President for Education Policy, Center for American Progress
RSVP to attend this event
For more information, call 202.682.1611.
September 30, 2011, 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Center for American Progress
1333 H St. NW, 10th Floor
Washington, D.C. 20005
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