Washington, D.C. — On Wednesday, May 27, the Center for American Progress will host two of the nation’s most prominent faith leaders for a discussion on the role of the faith community in pursuing concrete public policy solutions to respond to the everyday challenges facing families. Rev. Otis Moss III and Rabbi Jonah Pesner will discuss their local and national work advocating for a living wage, poverty reduction, racial healing, work-family supports, and more. They also will explore how faith motivates their work.
Welcoming remarks:
Sally Steenland, Director, Faith and Progressive Policy Initiative, Center for American Progress
Rev. Dr. Otis Moss III, Senior Pastor of Trinity United Church of Christ, Chicago, Illinois
Rabbi Jonah Pesner, Director of the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism, Washington, D.C.
Jocelyn Frye, Senior Fellow, Center for American Progress
Wednesday, May 27, 2015
12:00 p.m. ET – 1:00 p.m. ET
A light lunch will be served at 11:30 a.m.
Center for American Progress
1333 H St. NW, 10th Floor
Washington, D.C. 20005
Click here to RSVP.
For more information or to speak to an expert, contact Chelsea Kiene at [email protected] or 202.478.5328.