April 12, 2013, 12:00 p.m. ET – 1:30 p.m. ET
Washington, D.C. – On Friday, April 12, the Center for American Progress will host a discussion on U.S. engagement with the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, focusing on emerging social policies and how the United States can contribute positively in a way that provides basic civil rights for all Egyptians while maintaining this important relationship. As part of this event, James Zogby, founder and president of the Arab American Institute, will release the results from a recent poll on U.S. attitudes toward Egypt and the Muslim Brotherhood.
In the two years since the Egyptian revolution, the Muslim Brotherhood has become the dominant political organization in the country’s transition. During this time, the U.S. government has sought to engage and support Egyptian efforts to rebuild their economy and develop an open, pluralistic, and democratic political system. The Brotherhood-led Egyptian government, however, has presided over growing political polarization, a deepening economic crisis, and a breakdown of governance across the country.
Furthermore, the Brotherhood has recently pursued potentially worrisome policies on women’s rights, minority rights, and civil rights, such as freedom of expression and freedom of association. As Egypt moves forward in its political transformation, the United States must learn to navigate the difficult path of supporting the new, fragile government while standing firm on its own principles and values.
Introduction by:
Rudy deLeon, Senior Vice President for National Security, Center for American Progress
Featured panelists:
Dr. John L. Esposito, University Professor and Founding Director of the Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding, Georgetown University
Michael Wahid Hanna, Senior Fellow, the Century Foundation
Dr. James J. Zogby, Founder and President of the Arab American Institute; Director, Zogby Research Services
Moderated by:
Brian Katulis, Senior Fellow, Center for American Progress
Friday, April 12, 2013
12:00 p.m. ET – 1:30 p.m. ET
A light lunch will be served at 11:30 am.
Center for American Progress
1333 H St. NW, 10th Floor
Washington, D.C. 20005
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For more information, contact Anne Shoup at [email protected] or 202.481.7146.