Washington, D.C. — Amid an increasingly turbulent and rapidly shifting strategic environment in the Middle East, the Center for American Progress, the China-United States Exchange Foundation, and the Shanghai Institutes for International Studies will release a report and host a public panel to examine the intersection of U.S. and Chinese interests and policies in the region. Can China and the United States partner to promote peace and stability in the Middle East in support of shared interests?
Since early 2014, the three organizations have led a track II dialogue exploring issues such as sustainable security in Egypt; cooperation to counter terrorism and violent extremism; opportunities for connectivity through the U.S. New Silk Road and Chinese Belt and Road initiatives; and securing the flow of energy resources from the Middle East to the rest of the world. The distinguished panel of researchers will discuss their findings and the opportunities and challenges for U.S.-China cooperation in the region.
Vikram Singh, Vice President, National Security and International Policy, Center for American Progress
Alan Wong, Executive Director, China-United States Exchange Foundation
Rudy deLeon, Senior Fellow, Center for American Progress
Brian Katulis, Senior Fellow, Center for American Progress
Yang Jiemian, Senior Fellow, Chairman of the Council of Academic Affairs, Shanghai Institutes for International Studies
Wu Chunsi, Senior Fellow, Executive Director of the Institute for International Strategic Studies, Shanghai Institutes for International Studies
Vikram Singh, Vice President, National Security and International Policy, Center for American Progress
July 13, 2015, 10:00 a.m. ET – 11:30 a.m. ET
Center for American Progress
1333 H St. NW, 10th Floor
Washington, D.C. 20005
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For more information on this topic or to speak with an expert, contact Tom Caiazza at [email protected] or 202.481.7141.