Center for American Progress

ADVISORY: Articulation and Transfer: College Strategies for the Success of 21st Century Students
Press Advisory

ADVISORY: Articulation and Transfer: College Strategies for the Success of 21st Century Students

June 2, 2011, 10:00am – 12:00pm

Up to 60 percent of undergraduates seek to transfer credits into or across institutions in their learning journey. Articulation agreements are a key to facilitating this process. However, most colleges and universities in the United States do not possess articulation systems and processes that promote the type of transparency and ease-of-use that make transfer a help rather than a hindrance to student success in higher education.

Barriers to transfer cost students and taxpayers billions of dollars in student-paid tuition dollars, state subsidies to public institutions, student financial aid, and delayed tax revenue when students take longer to access higher-paying jobs that require college degrees.

There are upstart leaders in higher education who are blazing a trail of effective articulation policies. This session will take an in-depth look at these solutions at both the systemic and individual institution level. Please join us for this exciting event.

Welcoming remarks

Louis Soares, Director, Postsecondary Education Program, Center for American Progress

Opening remarks:

Frank Chong, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Community Colleges

Panel discussion:

Paula Compton
Associate Vice Chancellor, Ohio Board of Regents

Richard Rhodes, President, El Paso Community College

Pamela Tate
, President and Chief Executive Officer, Council for Adult and Experiential Learning

Moderated by:

Louis Soares, Director, Postsecondary Education Program, Center for American Progress

Coffee will be served at 9:30 a.m.


RSVP for this event For more information, call 202-682-1611


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