The need for comprehensive immigration refrom is critical but also attainable, according to Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, who spoke at an event hosted by CAP this week. Napolitano reiterated that immigration reform simply cannot happen in a piecemeal fashion and that “we can fix” the illegal immigration problem.
Also, Angela María Kelley and Lawrence J. Korb observed that American service members with undocumented spouses live with the added stress of worrying whether their family will face deportation. And Louis Caldera pointed out that Hispanics would have been hurt in critical ways by the proposed change to the census.
Secretary of Education Arne Duncan spoke at an event co-sponsored by CAP, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, and Frederick M. Hess of the American Enterprise Institute, pointing out that education is the one issue that can and must bring us together. During the event CAP and its partners came together to release a state-by-state report card on educational innovation, laying the groundwork for continuous and transformational change.
Meanwhile, CAP interviewed teachers and school leaders implementing compensation reform about their success and the utility of the Teacher Incentive Fund.
Liz Weiss and Page Gardner explained that as the Senate debates health reform legislation, it should look to several provisions in the House bill that would help unmarried women.
A report by Marc Goulden, Karie Frasch, and Mary Ann Mason looked at what we can do about the lack of family responsible benefits for America’s researchers. And report author Mason talked about providing family leave policies to help keep women researchers in scientific fields in an “Ask the Expert” video.
National security
On the eve of President Barack Obama’s first trip to China, CAP released a trip report from a delegation to China—led by CAP President and CEO John Podesta—that tackled the future of U.S.-China relations.
Ken Gude’s new report suggested that the closure of Guantanamo is within the reach of the Obama administration, but it still must take certain steps to get the detainee population down to zero.
And in observance of Veterans Day 2009, CAP offered a by-the-numbers look at the challenges American veterans face when it comes to mental health, addiction, homelessness, and finances.
The hike in the unemployment rate in October, from 9.8 to 10.2 percent, likely came as no surprise to the U.S. manufacturing sector. In light of these numbers, Kate Gordon argued that a clean energy economy offers hope for the American economy, and that several provisions in current legislation would help the United States establish a clean-energy manufacturing strategy.
Finally, Tom Kenworthy explained that several studies show that, for American farmers and the rural areas where they live, clean-energy and carbon-pollution-cutting legislation will mean significant economic benefits.