PDF: Religious Leaders Oppose ‘Justice Sunday’
A coalition of 430 American religious leaders and supporters join together to write Senator Bill Frist to oppose ‘Justice Sunday’s’ manipulation of faith.
Frist’s Hypocritical and Dishonest Attack on Democracy
Documents obtained by American Progress show Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist participated in an effort to block one of Bill Clinton’s judicial nominees via filibuster, then lied about it.
Getting Religion Wrong Again – Justice Sunday III, Statement of Marco Grimaldo, January 6, 2006
It is the participants of Justice Sunday III, not Alito’s opponents, who are imposing a "religious test" on this important public office.
On the Brink of ‘Theocracy’, by Reverend Carlton W. Veazey, May 5, 2005
Progressives who think warnings about "theocracy" are an exaggeration should take a closer look at "Justice Sunday: Filibustering People of Faith," the Christian Right telethon headlined by Senate Majority Leader William Frist.
Melissa Rogers writes "Faith and the Filibuster Fight"
I am a churchgoing, Bible-believing Baptist, but I recently learned that I’m not a Christian. Indeed, I’ve not only learned that I’m not a Christian, I’ve also learned that I’m anti-Christian and hostile to religion. Why? Because I dare to disagree with a certain political and legal agenda.
PDF: Statement by Rev. Joe Phelps
We stand before you as Baptist Christians who have set aside political loyalties from both sides of the aisle to make a nonpartisan statement concerning an event titled .Justice Sunday . Stopping the Filibuster Against People of Faith. at a sister Baptist church in our city, and organized by the Family Research Council (FRC), a Washington D.c=-based lobbying organization headed by former Louisiana congressman Tony Perkins.
Pax Christi USA
Pax Christi USA criticizes Sen. Bill Frist’s participation in right-wing Justice Sunday; "Justice Sunday" a partisan attempt to narrow the definition of faith, says Pax Christi USA.
Religious Coalition for Reproductive Chioce
Anti-Christian Charges Stir Up Hate – Frist Should Repudiate Family Research Council Telecast; Statement of Reverend Carlton W. Veazey, President of the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice.
The Interfaith Alliance
Gaddy Answers Frist’s Attack on Faithful Americans; As President of The Interfaith Alliance, a national, grassroots organization with 150,000 members coming from over 75 different faith traditions, I write to you again about your interest in introducing to the United States Senate your so-called "nuclear option."
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