In the News

Computer Science Is Future-Proof

Lisette Partelow discusses why computer science expertise will be crucial when technology transforms the jobs market.

Here are some of the more outlandish predictions for the jobs people might hold in the future: mind-uploading specialist, personalized microbiome steward or de-extinction zoologist. I, for one, am looking forward to my second career in 2030 as a professional “triber” and crowdfunding specialist.

No one can really say for certain what the jobs of the future will be. A former educator with whom I recently met argued that uncertainty about the future job market means that giving students opportunities to learn computer science, while trendy, is essentially pointless. Whatever students learn now will be as out of date as MS-DOS and car phones by the time they can put it to use, he reasoned.

The above excerpt was originally published in U.S. News & World Report. Click here to view the full article.

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Lisette Partelow

Senior Fellow