Dubbed “The Chosen One” on the cover of Sports Illustrated as a high school junior, LeBron James has carved out a career on the court that has more than lived up to the hype. With three NBA titles, four MVP awards, and 12 first-team All-NBA selections in 15 years, he has been a joy to watch ever since I was lucky enough to be in the upper deck as he was named MVP of the 2003 McDonald’s High School All American Game. James’s work ethic may be the only thing more impressive than his talent.
My admiration for him grew even further this week with the launch of his I Promise School in his hometown of Akron, Ohio. If you somehow missed this week’s media blitz, the school will grow from 240 at-risk third- and fourth-graders this year to serve first- through eighth-graders from throughout the city. It will provide an extended school day and year, wraparound services for students and families, wellness programs for teachers, and bikes and helmets for students, and it will be topped off with a commitment by James’s family foundation to fund college tuition for graduates at the University of Akron.
The above excerpt was originally published in The 74.
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