Center for American Progress

Could Scalia Get Confirmed by Today’s Conservatives?
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Could Scalia Get Confirmed by Today’s Conservatives?

Yet, if Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan's opponents are to be believed, this right-wing icon is far too liberal to sit on the Court, writes Ian Millhiser at AOL News.

Justice Antonin Scalia is supposed to be a right-wing icon. He’s an outspoken defender of torture and once wrote that mere innocence is not a good enough reason to let an innocent man go free. His dissent in a landmark gay rights decision boiled down to little more than a paranoid rant against the "homosexual agenda."

Yet, if Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan’s opponents are to be believed, this same right-wing icon is far too liberal to sit on the Court.

The above excerpt was originally published in AOL News. Click here to view the full article.

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Ian Millhiser

Senior Fellow