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A cleaner energy future for Indiana

Alison Cassady argues that rather than fighting to block the Clean Power Plan, Indiana policymakers should chart a new, low-carbon energy future for the state.

Last week, the Rev. John I. Jenkins, president of the University of Notre Dame, announced that the school would stop burning coal in its on-campus power plant. He cited Pope Francis as inspiration, noting that the pope “presents us with a comprehensive moral vision about the environment,” including the need to respond to climate change. Now, Gov. Mike Pence has the opportunity — and the responsibility — to follow Jenkins’ example and lead Indiana toward a cleaner, less-polluting energy future.

I was born and raised in Indiana. One grandfather was a steelworker in Gary; the other was a top executive with Indiana Power and Light in the 1970s. My mother and sister still live in central Indiana. Despite my years away, I still consider myself very much a Hoosier and care about the quality of life for my family and longtime friends.

The health of the state’s environment and the quality of its air are central to their well-being.

The above excerpt was originally published in South Bend Tribune. Click here to view the full article.

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Alison Cassady

Managing Director