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We won’t know what’s in the Republican health-care repeal plan until they pass it
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We won’t know what’s in the Republican health-care repeal plan until they pass it

Topher Spiro writes about congressional Republicans' secret Affordable Care Act repeal plan.

Public opinion about the Affordable Care Act is consistently favorable and on an upswing. Faced with the prospect of repeal, crowds of constituents are confronting lawmakers across the country to express their anguish in town halls. But still, Republicans are rushing to rip apart the health insurance coverage that millions of people depend on.

That rush is a particularly bitter irony for anyone who, like me, worked on writing the ACA originally. Republicans accused Democrats eight years ago of drafting the health-care law in secret, despite dozens of public hearings and work sessions. But now it’s their own process that is highly secretive, with U.S. Capitol Police guarding a basement room where the draft legislation is kept hidden from voters, the news media and even members of Congress.

The above excerpt was originally published in The Washington Post. Click here to view the full article.

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Topher Spiro

Vice President, Health Policy; Senior Fellow