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Center for American Progress

The Earned Income Tax Credit: A Tool to Weather Hardship
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The Earned Income Tax Credit: A Tool to Weather Hardship

As climate change and extreme weather events continue to threaten low-income communities, Donovan Hicks and Jae June Lee explain how the Earned Income Tax Credit should be integrated into a broader strategy to advance environmental sustainability and social equity.

Extreme weather events, such as Tropical Storm Florence and Hurricane Michael, highlight a heavy truth about ongoing climate change: They hit low-income communities the hardest. And the future may be bleaker still.

As the earth continues to warm, Americans will experience more intense and costly storms — in addition to a host of other profound and detrimental impacts. Alongside the ambitious and comprehensive action urgently needed to limit climate change and its consequences, policymakers can take smaller steps now to begin to protect and empower the most vulnerable communities in this country.

The above excerpt was originally published in RealClearPolicy. Click here to view the full article.

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Jae June Lee

Donovan Hicks

Research Associate