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Judge Barrett’s view of Obamacare stirs fear among disabled Americans
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Judge Barrett’s view of Obamacare stirs fear among disabled Americans

Rebecca Cokley explains why Judge Amy Coney Barrett's probable confirmation to the U.S. Supreme Court stirs unease among disabled Americans.

As I watched the Supreme Court confirmation hearings of Judge Amy Coney Barrett last week, I couldn’t help but think how much her confirmation would hurt families like hers and mine.

Nobody questions that Judge Barrett loves her family, but it is a simple fact that whether she is promoted to the Supreme Court or not, she will have a level of guaranteed health care for life that many if not most disabled people can only dream of — especially if the Affordable Care Act is repealed.

The above excerpt was originally published in CNN. Click here to view the full article.

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Rebecca Cokley

Director, Disability Justice Initiative