
Mark Agrast


Compact View

Prosecutors and Politicians Article

Prosecutors and Politicians

CAP's Mark Agrast questions motives behind forced resignations and the method of doing so.

Mark Agrast

A Switch in Time Article

A Switch in Time

CAP's Mark Agrast applauds Bush's timely if also tactical retreat, but urges the Senate to examine the details.

Mark Agrast

A Travesty Article

A Travesty

Legislation destined for Bush today is an assault on the rule of law, an affront to American values, and a danger to our troops.

Mark Agrast

Shredding the Fourth Amendment Article

Shredding the Fourth Amendment

"Modernization Act" needlessly infringes rights of average Americans and does not make us safer.

Mark Agrast

Opposition to Dangerous Detainee Bill Grows Article

Opposition to Dangerous Detainee Bill Grows

President claims his bill is necessary to "clarify" the rules for interrogations and protect classified information. Both claims are spurious.

Mark Agrast

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