Progress 2050

Progress 2050 is a project of the Center for American Progress that develops new ideas for an increasingly diverse America. The United States will become a nation with no clear racial or ethnic majority by the year 2050. This expected transition provides the progressive movement with an exciting opportunity to help America live up to its ideals of equality and justice for all.
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People of Color: Their Contributions, Their Potential Fact Sheet
Third-grade students do school work during class at Hanby Elementary School in Mesquite, Texas, February 2011. (AP/LM Otero)

People of Color: Their Contributions, Their Potential

As demographics shift and the share of people of color in the U.S. population continues to increase, it is important to take notice of the contributions that people of color make to the United States and their potential contributions to the nation in the future.

Progress 2050

Who Are Asian Americans? Fact Sheet
Hmong American Partnership navigator Mai Lo Lee, right, enrolls a woman in Minnesota's health insurance exchange on February 13, 2015. (AP/Jim Mone)

Who Are Asian Americans?

These fact sheets provide a detailed look at 10 groups of Asian Americans by national origin.

Progress 2050

Fact Sheets: Economic Benefits of Reducing Racial and Ethnic Inequality Fact Sheet
Five-year-old kindergarden students Gael Alvarado, left, Perla Ortiz, center, and Yahir Perez do school work in a bilingual English-Spanish class at Hanby Elementary School in Mesquite, Texas, in 2011. (AP/LM Otero)

Fact Sheets: Economic Benefits of Reducing Racial and Ethnic Inequality

With the U.S. Census Bureau estimating that the majority of the U.S. population will be people of color by 2043, it is increasingly important that policymakers enact progressive policies that would improve the economic prospects and increase income for people of color.

Progress 2050

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