What Do You Wish You Had Known About Student-Loan Debt and College Choice? ArticleDecember 12, 2013 What Do You Wish You Had Known About Student-Loan Debt and College Choice? Student-loan debt now tops $1 trillion, and many former students are struggling to pay back their loans. As policymakers debate the best way to communicate value to college-bound students, CAP and Generation Progress plan to engage these former students to bring their voice to this important conversation. Dec 12, 2013 Elizabeth Baylor, Sarah Audelo
Promoting Good Jobs for Millennials ReportNovember 19, 2013 Promoting Good Jobs for Millennials Young Americans have the most to gain from raising the minimum wage and enhancing worker protections. Nov 19, 2013 Sarah Ayres Steinberg
What Would the Student-Loan Interest Rate Increase Mean for Your State? ArticleJune 4, 2013 What Would the Student-Loan Interest Rate Increase Mean for Your State? New reports from the Center for American Progress and Campus Progress detail what an increase in the interest rate on Stafford student loans would mean for several states. Jun 4, 2013 Brian Stewart, Abraham White
It’s Our Interest: The Need to Reduce Student Loan Interest Rates ReportFebruary 13, 2013 It’s Our Interest: The Need to Reduce Student Loan Interest Rates As we move forward with improving the educational system for those currently or about to enroll in higher education, it is important to not leave behind the tens of millions of Americans who still possess student debt. Feb 13, 2013 Anne Johnson, Tobin Van Ostern