Annual Paperwork Should Not Stand in the Way of Affordable Student-Loan Payments ArticleAugust 31, 2016 Annual Paperwork Should Not Stand in the Way of Affordable Student-Loan Payments Multiyear authorization could easily fix a common problem that makes it hard for student borrowers to keep their income-based payment plans. Aug 31, 2016 Ben Miller, Maggie Thompson
What Do You Wish You Had Known About Student-Loan Debt and College Choice? ArticleDecember 12, 2013 What Do You Wish You Had Known About Student-Loan Debt and College Choice? Student-loan debt now tops $1 trillion, and many former students are struggling to pay back their loans. As policymakers debate the best way to communicate value to college-bound students, CAP and Generation Progress plan to engage these former students to bring their voice to this important conversation. Dec 12, 2013 Elizabeth Baylor, Sarah Audelo
What Would the Student-Loan Interest Rate Increase Mean for Your State? ArticleJune 4, 2013 What Would the Student-Loan Interest Rate Increase Mean for Your State? New reports from the Center for American Progress and Campus Progress detail what an increase in the interest rate on Stafford student loans would mean for several states. Jun 4, 2013 Brian Stewart, Abraham White