Center for American Progress

RELEASE: Administrative Actions To Roll Back President Donald Trump’s ACA Sabotage
Press Release

RELEASE: Administrative Actions To Roll Back President Donald Trump’s ACA Sabotage

Washington, D.C. — Today, the Center for American Progress released a new issue brief outlining what administrative actions can be taken to roll back the Trump administration’s sabotage of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) marketplaces. While the steps are important to ensure that the law is being implemented effectively, they are particularly critical amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, high levels of unemployment, and heightened need for access to affordable coverage on the individual insurance market.

Key policy interventions highlighted in the piece include:

  • Reverse Trump administration actions that harm enrollees in the federal marketplace, including restoring information about the ACA on key government websites and restoring outreach and enrollment support for the federal marketplace
  • Announce a special enrollment period for the end of January through February
  • Reverse regulations that encourage healthy individuals to buy junk insurance plans
  • Reverse Trump administration payment notice policies that harm the marketplaces and weaken consumer protections
  • Take administrative action to upgrade consumer tools, adopt a standardized benefit plan, require plans to incorporate payment and delivery reforms, leverage participation in Medicare Advantage to increase competition, and encourage state reinsurance programs that lower costs for consumers

“Before COVID-19 hit, the Trump administration’s health care sabotage increased the number of uninsured Americans for the first time since the ACA passed in 2010. At a time when many are losing access to coverage through work, the next administration should act swiftly on these steps to expand access to coverage and lower costs for the American people,” said Maura Calsyn, managing director of Health Policy at CAP.

Read the issue brief: “Administrative Actions To Reverse Sabotage and Lower Costs in the ACA Marketplaces” by Maura Calsyn and Nicole Rapfogel.

For more information or to speak with an expert, please contact Colin Seeberger at [email protected].