Center for American Progress

ADVISORY: The Future of Military Compensation: Equity vs. Affordability
Press Advisory

ADVISORY: The Future of Military Compensation: Equity vs. Affordability

Washington, D.C. — On Monday, May 7, the Center for American Progress will host a panel of experts for a discussion of the Pentagon’s proposed changes to military personnel benefits; debate the proper cost-sharing balance between military service members, retirees, veterans, and taxpayers; and release the new CAP report “Reforming Military Compensation: Addressing Runaway Personnel Costs is a National Imperative.”

Military personnel costs have nearly doubled since fiscal year 2001 and now consume one-third of the Pentagon’s base budget—about $180 billion per year. If military personnel benefits are not reformed, the increasing costs will eat up a growing share of the defense budget, likely diverting funds from other critical national security initiatives like training and modernization.

In its fiscal year 2013 budget request, the Department of Defense has proposed a series of adjustments to military pay, health care, and retirement benefits which aim to place the programs on a more sustainable footing. These changes—analyzed in a new Center for American Progress report by Lawrence Korb, Alex Rothman, and Max Hoffman—would include reducing the rate of increase for military base pay, introducing new fees and co-pays for Tricare services, and the creation of a Military Retirement Modernization Commission to oversee the overhaul of the current system.


Distinguished panelists:

Vice Admiral Norbert R. Ryan Jr. (USNR), President, Military Officers Association of America

Major General Arnold L. Punaro (USMCR), CEO, Punaro Group, LLC; member, Defense Business Board

Michael J. Bayer, CEO, Dumbarton Strategies; former Chairman, Defense Business Board


Lawrence J. Korb (USNR), Senior Fellow, Center for American Progress; former Assistant Secretary for Manpower, Reserve Affairs, Installations, and Logistics, Department of Defense


Monday, May 7, 2012, 12:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.


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