Center for American Progress

: Alito at 10: Justice Alito and the Future of the U.S. Supreme Court
Past Event

Alito at 10: Justice Alito and the Future of the U.S. Supreme Court

12:30 - 1:45 PM EST

January 31 marks the 10th anniversary of Associate Justice Samuel Alito’s confirmation to the U.S. Supreme Court. Legal experts have called his confirmation one of the most impactful U.S. Supreme Court confirmations of the century. Expert panelists will explore Justice Alito’s contributions in pushing the law to the right in a number of critical issue areas, including: the right to unionize, campaign finance, and abortion. They will also discuss his role as the emerging leader of the Roberts court conservative wing and how Justice Alito—both in his approach and in his voting record—compares with Chief Justice John Roberts, President George W. Bush’s other U.S. Supreme Court appointee.

Please join the Center for American Progress, the American Constitution Society, and the Constitutional Accountability Center for a conversation with U.S. Supreme Court litigators and experts to discuss the impact that Justice Alito has had on the Court and the law during his first 10 years on the bench.

Welcoming remarks:
Michele L. Jawando, Vice President of Legal Progress, Center for American Progress

Introductory Remarks:
Caroline Fredrickson, President, American Constitution Society

Featured panelists:
Brianne Gorod, Appellate Counsel, Constitutional Accountability Center
Theodore Shaw, Professor, University of North Carolina School of Law, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
William Yeomans, Professor, Washington College of Law, American University

Moderated by:
Dahlia Lithwick, Senior Editor, Slate