This week CAP proposed a wide-ranging set of policies to help the economy by creating new jobs as the country begins to emerge from the recession, as well as a memo on avoiding a jobless economic recovery. And Heather Boushey pointed to new employment numbers showing that the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act has injected new momentum into the economy.
Also on the job creation front, Michael Ettlinger raised some concerns about wielding the U.S. tax code to boost job growth. A memo from Andrew Jakabovics suggested that the Treasury authorize housing counselors to approve HAMP mortgage modifications and increase the number of homeowners who are able receive mortgage modifications, while David Abromowitz offered recommendations for finally getting ahead of the foreclosure crisis, which is seeing one in seven homeowners default on their loans.

National Security
A memo from Angela Kelley and Gebe Martinez showed that smart immigration strategies will increase tax revenue, help American businesses, and give a boost to all workers.
On the heels of President Obama’s Afghanistan address, CAP suggested that Congress should be asking key questions about the administration’s new Afghanistan strategy, and a video from Caroline Wadhams explained how we can ensure a successful mission in the country. A second video from Wadhams examined why many Afghans are turning to the Taliban as an alternative to a corrupt government.
Nina Hachigian observed that President Obama’s trip to Asia is already paying dividends on a number of fronts, particularly in tackling global warming.

On World AIDS Day, CAP released a fact sheet about the AIDS epidemic around the world and urged the Obama administration to begin seriously addressing the root causes of the AIDS crisis here at home.
Another fact sheet looked at how well health care reform bills currently being debated in Congress measure up to Catholic social teachings.
Jake Caldwell gave 10 reasons why farmers should support energy legislation pending in Congress.
Eric Alterman’s column this week examined “Climategate,” the latest conservative conspiracy theory in the age of Obama, and a report from J.B. Schramm and E. Kinney Zalesne provides recommendations for helping high schools use data to track their graduates and make decisions to help their students.