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U.S. should tread lightly on Iran

Matthew Duss and Lawrence Korb write about how the United States should be as careful as possible to do no harm in Iran.

The recent election of Hassan Rohani – who ran on a platform of better relations with the international community – as president of the Islamic Republic of Iran offers the renewed possibility of a diplomatic solution to the impasse over Iran’s nuclear program.

Unfortunately, some in Washington seem determined to repeat past mistakes that could foreclose the possibility of such a solution by escalating pressure and threats against Iran at precisely the moment that a re-invigorated diplomatic outreach would be more advisable. A POLITICO op-ed by Michael O’Hanlon and Marvin Kalb — which contains one serious definitional error, and rests upon a couple of questionable assertions — offers a case in point.

The above excerpt was originally published in POLITICO. Click here to view the full article.

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Matthew Duss

Policy Analyst

Lawrence J. Korb

Former Senior Fellow