In the News

Remaking and improving the US-Mexico relationship

Joel Martinez explains how the Biden administration can remake and improve the bilateral relationship with Mexico.

President Joe Biden held his first bilateral meeting with Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador last week, providing the first glimpse into what lies ahead for the U.S.-Mexico relationship. The future looks bright.

The tradition of recent U.S. presidents — inviting the Mexican president to Washington and taking their first foreign trip to Canada shortly after taking office — was upended in 2017, when Trump traveled to Saudi Arabia to meet with King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud. Biden, who had a call with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in late February, restored this norm, albeit in reverse order, reminding the region that despite the turmoil of the past four years, America still recognizes the importance of its partnerships with its closest neighbors.

The above excerpt was originally published in The Hill. Click here to view the full article.

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Joel Martinez

Former Senior Policy Analyst