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See also:
Video: Health Care by the Numbers
Video: How the Health Insurance Exchange Really Works
The historic passage of the Affordable Health Care for America Act, H.R. 3962, in the House of Representatives and the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, H.R.3590, in the Senate are the result of months of negotiations and decades of debate.
Both bills address many of the problems in our current health care system by making improvements in the access, affordability, and adequacy of health care coverage, with some differences in how these improvements are accomplished and paid for. A lively debate is underway over which of these bills is better for the American people, but it is clear that they both make similarly significant strides in fulfilling the promise of a health care system that works for millions of people—insured and uninsured—for whom that is not currently the case.
This interactive will help you understand how the provisions of each of the bills will improve your health care coverage and how this will affect what you currently pay for this coverage.
* This document is intended to be a guide. The bill’s final effect will not be known until it becomes law. Additionally, the interactive attempts to take every individual’s situation into account, but those in exceptional circumstances may not be able to get a complete explanation of how the bill will affect them.
See also:
Video: Health Care by the Numbers
Video: How the Health Insurance Exchange Really Works