The Henry L. Stimson Center today hosts an event on Capitol Hill to present the key findings of a group of former policy practitioners and experts who, over the past six months, considered practical ways to achieve better outcomes in Iraq. The result of this efforts is a collection of insightful essays in a newly released book entitled Iraq and America: Choices and Consequences , which is available at, and includes a chapter written by Denis McDonough, senior fellow at the Center for American Progress.
The newly released book and the event today examine how America’s engagement in Iraq will have profound consequences for US interests and American national security for the foreseeable future. As we have already seen, the following factors exert lasting implications for Iraq, the region, international politics in general and US power and influence in particular: the US-led invasion that deposed the regime of Saddam Hussein, the shifting priorities of the US occupation in attempting to restore security and establish a more representative government, and the reluctance of Iraq’s neighbors and so much of the international community to become full partners in the endeavor.
This volume of essays examines some of the consequences of US engagement in Iraq and considers choices for American policymakers that might contribute to more favorable outcomes in Iraq and beyond. The essay by CAP’s McDonough addresses the institutional challenges that Congress faces as America reconsiders its strategy in Iraq.
For more details on the book please go here.