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The progressive leaders from the United States and Europe who have come together to form “Building Global Alliances for the 21st Century” believe there is an immediate need for a comprehensive, concrete effort to revitalize the world’s nonproliferation efforts. As the leaders of the G8 gather for their annual summit, we urge a greater international focus on – and a stronger commitment to – addressing nuclear proliferation. We are deeply concerned the rhetoric of international leaders about the spread of nuclear weapons and materials has not been matched by enough concrete action. Here we present a blueprint for action, based on our cumulative experience in national security, diplomacy and international politics. We will consider how to combat the spread of other weapons of mass destruction in subsequent papers.
To curb the spread of nuclear weapons and materials, we need a comprehensive, integrated approach. Ad hoc solutions are inadequate. Just as the fight against terrorism calls for the marshalling of all elements of our military, political and economic arsenals, so does the fight against nuclear proliferation demand cooperation among the United States, Europe and beyond. It also requires nuclear-weapon states to demonstrate their commitment to strengthening nonproliferation norms – if they want nations with nuclear aspirations to follow suit.