Center for American Progress

Clean-Energy Competitiveness Fact of the Day: March 10, 2010
Press Release

Clean-Energy Competitiveness Fact of the Day: March 10, 2010

China has enormous potential for a mass market in green technologies, reaching up to $1 trillion a year. By partnering with China and other developing countries, we can help them meet their development needs in an environmentally-friendly way and jumpstart our own clean energy economy. For example, a report by the Center for American Progress and the Asia Society finds cooperation on carbon capture and storage (CCS)—a process that separates and captures carbon dioxide from sources such as coal power plants and stores away from the atmosphere—could accelerate CCS deployment in the United States by 10 years and increase job creation from 127,000 under a business-as-usual scenario, to 940,000 jobs in the United States by 2022 and lead to $18 billion in savings.

For more information on the Clean-Energy Competitiveness Fact of the Day, please contact Suzi Emmerling, 202.481.8224 or   [email protected].
