Center for American Progress

MEDIA CALL ADVISORY: Why Illinois’s Innovative New Education Law Will Set the Standard for Reform
Press Advisory

MEDIA CALL ADVISORY: Why Illinois’s Innovative New Education Law Will Set the Standard for Reform

Washington, DC— At a time when many teachers and the unions that represent them feel under attack, Illinois Governor Pat Quinn is expected to sign a bi-partisan bill on Monday that raises the bar for teacher quality in the state while incorporating teacher and union recommendations. The bill shows that compromise can be part of state-wide education reform efforts.

Unlike Wisconsin, Ohio, and other states, Illinois brought education stakeholders together to create aggressive reforms, including important changes in how teachers can earn tenure and how layoff decisions are made. The U.S. Department of Education also recently announced that Illinois can compete for funding in the next round of Race to the Top, and the state may be eligible for up to $30 million dollars to help implement the new bi-partisan bill.

On Monday, the Center will also be releasing a paper that looks at collaborations between union and district leadership in other school systems around the country. Titled “Partnering for Compensation Reform Collaborations between Union and District Leadership in Four School Systems,” the paper identifies common elements at work between districts and unions.

Join the Center for American Progress’s Cynthia Brown, the Joyce Foundation’s John Luczak and key leaders from the Illinois Education Association who helped drive through the landmark Illinois legislation to discuss education reform and ways that education stakeholders can work together to do what’s best for students.


Cynthia Brown, Vice President of Education Policy at the Center for American Progress

John Luczak, Education Program Manager, the Joyce Foundation

Ken Swanson, President of the Illinois Education Association

Audrey Soglin, Executive Director of the Illinois Education Association

WHAT: Media Conference Call to discuss Illinois’s landmark education legislation

WHEN: 1:30 pm EDT

Monday, June 13, 2011

CALL-IN: (877 ) 210 – 8943

Passcode: 74151336

To RSVP to this call contact Megan Smith at [email protected] or call 202.741.6346 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting            202.741.6346      end_of_the_skype_highlighting

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