Past Event

Ending the Code Language

Race-Baiting and Stereotypes in Public Benefits Debate

12:00 - 1:15 PM EST

Race-baiting has often been the source of charged debates in newspapers, blogs, and on television sets across the nation. Programs aiding those in poverty are often at the center of the storm.

Unfortunately, in the midst of the name calling and punditry, we as a nation often forget to ask some important questions. How do race-baiting, stereotyping, and other forms of spreading misinformation impact support for programs that help people climb out of poverty, the development of poverty policies, and general progress towards the goal of reducing inequality and poverty? And what can we all collectively do to call our elected officials to tone down the rhetoric and focus on the issues?

This panel will discuss these questions, the efforts to redirect the public debate, and the future influence of other factors such as the rapid racial diversification of a nation that will not have an ethnic majority by 2050.


Featured speakers:
Elizabeth Lower-Basch, Senior Policy Analyst, Center for Law and Social Policy
Leticia Miranda, Associate Director of the Economic Policy Project, National Council of La Raza
Joy Moses, Senior Policy Analyst, Center for American Progress

Moderated by:
Vanessa Cárdenas, Director, Progress 2050, Center for American Progress